Tavhi Arvys

Former Mercenary and Companion

"I was once told that what I lacked was confidence, something that stuck with me through quiet nights whilst the world was ending. The person who said it can see me now, I'm curious if she yet realises she's part of the reason I found it again." ~Tavhi

An oft times reticent and stoic woman who's scars speak of a storied past and life full of action. An aptitude for listening and a keen loyalty makes this miqo'te a stalwart ally of those she calls friends and family.Growing up within the bounds of the Twelveswood beholden to the Green Law and the prejudices held by local Gridanians, Tavhi sought to gain the trust of the peoples around her via making her way as a Wood Wailer. When the same system she had worked for for years was spun about on her, and prejudice towards her kind once more reared its head Tavhi left in search of a better purpose than the one that had turned her into no more than a weapon to be discarded when un-needed.A lifetime of experience, and a stint in both a cult and mercenary organisation later, Tavhi still struggles with her own self-doubt, traumas and insecurities while trying to make a difference in others lives where she may, such desires have currently lead her to seek out the work and life of a companion of the Red Lantern Bordello.

  • Face Tavhi has a distinctly feminine face marked with the standard Miqo'te face paints. A long lateral scar runs across her dulled and damaged eyes, often partially obscured by her orange brown hair. Despite this she still seems plenty capable of sight, though the manner by which this is possible isn't evident. If she's not wearing her standard cordial smile and cheery expression, she's most often seen to hold a relatively neutral expression, if not one bordering on quiet somberness.

  • Body Toned and demonstrably in shape, Tavhi boasts a rather athletic though distinctly feminine form with plenty of curves to please the eye and stands at 5'1. An otherwise decently attractive person, she is marred by quite a number of scars once you start looking for them, most noticeable are those that sit just above her wrists. Furthermore her hands are scarred along the palms, dull and faded as they are. Most of her scarring seems well healed as a whole.

  • Accoutremont Her ears are pierced and often bare some manner of earrings alongside the clasp on her left ear. Otherwise she often wears a number of extra pouches or bags at her waistline from which she seems to pull all manner of different objects should she be out for casual reasons.

  • Age: 29

  • Height: 5'1

  • Eyes: L - Dulled Emerald Green, R - Dulled Amber

  • Hair: Shoulder Length with Two Braids, Orange Brown Colour

  • Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic

  • Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

  • Relationship Status: Open Relationship

  • Current Occupation: Companion

  • Likes: Spicy or Game-y Food, Whiskey, Caramel

  • Dislikes: Bitter Foods, Unquestioning Loyalty

Though often times a quiet sort at large gatherings, Tavhi is no stranger to socialising at events or with strangers she comes across in her errands or ventures. Perhaps you've seen her, or heard of something she's done recently or even not so recently. Such as:

  • Rather recently she's become a Companion at the Red Lantern Bordello, often attending whatever events the venue itself hosts or aids with.

  • During the start of the Final Days, Tavhi could have been found within Garlemald as one with the Contingent. She acted as a scout and supplies delivery runner for the refugees. Perhaps you saw her there.

  • Tavhi can quite often be found about the Shroud sporting her traditional Keeper attire whilst she collects various herbs found in the Twelveswood. Maybe you've crossed her path before? Or perhaps you haven't quite yet, though its likely only a matter of time.

A compilation of art and screenshots! Feel free to peruse at your leisure.

  • Hey there! I'm a transfemme gamer and RPer of just over half a decade in experience now! As it listed in her profile, it is necessary that I state that I will not do any manner of ERP with someone below the age of 18.

  • Contact me on Discord!: Neropolitan#9051

  • Want to RP? If I have the tag on feel free to just walk up! Otherwise hit me with a tell in game or on Discord!

  • Have a certain plugin that shares its name with the term for a female horse? Ask me abd perhaps I'll give you the code for it. ;)

  • Feel free to /c/heck me! If you know.. you know.